
April, 2024

Customer Testimonials

At NY Waterway, we like to  think of our customers as family. What our customers think is important to us, and here you can view just a small selection of the many customer reviews we have on our services.


Mary Lou Floyd:

 "I just had the most gratifying experience with NY Waterway staff, mostly with Dianna (not sure of spelling) on the phone after calling the 800 number. My business partner left her laptop on the Hoboken So. ferry. Long story short she got it back within the hour. Dianna got a hold of Terrill at the Hoboken terminal and then Gabe the ferry captain and the computer was returned back into the owner's hands. And then Dianna calls me back to make sure everything went ok. That's the best customer service I've seen in a long time. Thank you all. Your loyal customer - Mary Lou Floyd"


Cynthia Beaumont:

"I LOVE the New NY Waterway App ! so easy to use ! so many reasons to use it!"

"I'm so excited at Grand Central Station in NYC they have a few Oscars on display ! We can hold one and get our photo taken all free!! Best part the NY Waterway 42 St bus route PEAK HOURS will take you right there !! I am hoping to go tomorrow !! I'll make a short video if I can go ! I love the NY Waterway buses!"


Elizabeth Jaeger:

"Thank you NY Waterway for the chance to have brunch at The Chart House! The food was great, the service was awesome, and just look at the view!"


Andrew Novak:

"The ferry is a beautiful thing !!!!!"



"Gotta love NY Waterway! The best way to see the city is on the water!"


Rich Gonnello:

Motorcycle Mall Inc. and Suzuki Scoop would like to thank the NY Waterway and all of their employees for making our stay during the International Motorcycle Show (IMS) a wonderful one! We're looking forward to next year!"


Joshua Goodman:

"Bought my @ridetheferry ticket on my iPhone and was able to run to the boat.. saved me 15 min in not waiting for the next one!"


Bill Magee: ‏

"On @ridetheferry Hoboken to WFC. Better view than the subway!"


Ray Fusco Inc:

"‏App worked brilliantly! Thnx NY Waterway @ridetheferry"

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